We are excited to invite you to our Special Virtual November PWG meeting!
Sponsored by Broadway Bank
Hear from Broadway financial experts, Sr. Vice President of Commercial Banking, Lesa Cox and Small business specialist, Hanna Contreras as they walk us through understanding, building, improving, and protecting your credit.
Be sure to invite a friend or coworker to receive a voucher for 4 accessory items from our boutique!
Tuesday, November 14th, 2023
6:00- 6:30pm - Member check-in and Icebreakers
6:30- 7:30pm - Credit Workshop with Broadway
After 7:30pm - Raffle for 2x $50 gas cards
What is the Professional Women's Group (PWG)?
A small group of employed women who come together regularly to support each other by sharing experiences, giving & receiving advice, and celebrating each others wins.
*Please note that these meetings are reserved for women who are currently employed.