We’re here to help.
We kindly ask that you make an appointment prior to visiting Dress for Success Austin. This will ensure that a volunteer is scheduled and available to serve you.
Dress for Success Austin serves all women+. We have no income or referral requirements. If you’re a woman+ looking for a job, a better job or general career support, our services are free to you for however long you need them. Scroll through our services below to find the program(s) that best fit your unique career needs.
How we can help you
Career Support
Our trained career support volunteers can help you with anything career related, from resume writing to interview preparation and anything in between.
Professional Styling
Our trained professional styling volunteers will put together a personalized professional clothing package containing two full outfits, including accessories, undergarments and cosmetics.
Path to Employment Mentorship
Get matched with a trained mentor to complete a six-week career readiness course that will help you develop the tools you need for lifelong career success.
Professional Women’s Group
Connect with likeminded employed women and continue growing personally and professionally while exploring new topics with local speakers every month.
Financial Education
Financial freedom is the next step on your journey with DFSA. Learn about budgeting, basic banking, tackling debt issues, taxes, investing, credit, retirement, and more!
Veteran Support
DFSA is committed to providing our women veterans and their spouses with the resources they need to transition back into the civilian workforce through mentoring, suitings, headshots, and career guidance.
Second Saturdays
We now offer styling and career support appointments on the Second Saturday of each month from 9am-12pm.
Community Resources
Are you struggling in your job search or career because of barriers in your personal life? We can refer you to organizations that can help.
Career Resources
Career resources are our speciality. Need to tweak your resume? Update your LinkedIn profile? Source some thoughtful questions to ask in an interview? Explore our virtual resource library below.
Upcoming Programs
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