Austin women
empowering women

Since 2003, Dress for Success Austin has served over 18,000 women+ in Central Texas through referrals from 100+ non-profit and government agencies.


Through our six active career development programs, we provide women with the resources, tools and support they need to not only secure gainful, fulfilling employment, but to continue growing personally and professionally long after their last appointment.

Our History

In 1996, Nancy Lublin, a second-year law student, received a $5,000 inheritance from her great-grandfather and decided to turn this gift into one that would keep on giving. She teamed up with three nuns in her area and, identifying a crucial need that was not being filled, founded Dress for Success in the basement of a church in Manhattan that same year.

From that original basement boutique, the mission of Dress for Success spread over all North America and then across the globe, demonstrating that achieving economic independence is a challenge that all women face regardless of their location, language, customs or culture. Today, there are nearly 150 Dress for Success affiliates in 25 countries. Year after year, Dress for Success is able to achieve monumental milestones by rallying the support of each local community.

Upcoming Events

Who We Are

  • Mia Johns

    Executive Director

  • Dorey Petty

    Director of Development

  • Alexia Lopez

    Communications Manager

  • Nina Guilford

    Program Manager

  • Haley Poorman

    Volunteer Manager

  • Jessica Chandler

    Development Manager

  • Julia Hathaway

    Program Coordinator

  • Heather Kafka

    Inventory & Administrative Specialist

  • Harolyn Collins

    Client Services Administrator

  • Saint Petty

    Dorey’s Trusty Service Dog

Board of Directors

  • Andrea Nicholas

    Board President, Consultant

  • Paula Harmon

    Board Vice President, Insurance Council of Texas

  • Greta Gonzales

    Board Treasurer, Texas Mutual Insurance Company

  • Trena Robinson

    Board Secretary, Vivent Health

  • Sarah Wasaff

    Creative Planning

  • Diane Ramos


  • Teresa Brinson


  • Teri Evans

    Hand & Stone Massage & Facial Spa

  • Leanne Metcalfe


  • Dubravka Romano


  • Vandana Singh

    Schneider Electric

  • Dottie Watkins


  • Summer McAfee


  • Stacey Winning

    Dimensional Fund Advisors

  • Ladene Elliott

    Med-Surg Nurse, St. David’s

Circle of Impact Board

  • Stephanie Horton

    COI President/Vice-President Co-Chair

  • Katelyn Murff

    COI President/Vice-President Co-Chair

  • Allison Feldstein

    COI Membership Co-Chair

  • Sarah Carter

    COI Membership Co-Chair

  • Kati Ohlmeyer

    COI Membership Co-Chair

  • Laura Dresser

    COI Events Co-Chair

  • Amanda Schiff

    COI Events Co-Chair

  • Stacey Winning

    COI Board Liaison

Thank you for your support!

  • Cathy B.

    “I stayed with the position you helped me find for 6.5 years. I’m as secure as is possible these days. I am also building up my home business and hope to retire within a couple years. Thanks again for your help!”

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How do I make an in-kind donation?

We are now accepting clothing donations on the third Friday of every month from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please bring us your very best 20 items! And remember we ALWAYS accept handbags, shoes, jewelry, and unopened toiletries or cosmetics!

West Bank Dry Cleaning locations are not accepting donations on our behalf at this time.

Can you pick up my in-kind donations?

We are not able to pick up in-kind donations from a third party location. Contact us to coordinate drop off of large donations.

How does your affiliate operate?

Each Dress for Success affiliate location is a member of Dress for Success Worldwide and is an independent nonprofit with its own policies, staff and board of directors. The Worldwide office licenses the Dress for Success name to affiliates, but each affiliate provides all services at no cost to the community, and relies on community partners for support.

Do you accept men’s clothing?

We do not accept men’s professional clothing donations at this time. Visit for a list of locations in your area that accept men’s professional clothing donations.

What is Dress for Success Worldwide?

Located in New York City, Dress for Success Worldwide was established to oversee and provide support to our affiliates around the globe. The Worldwide office also focuses on strengthening and promoting the Dress for Success brand internationally and developing relationships with corporate, media and other sponsors.

How do I host a donation drive?

If you are interested in hosting a donation drive, you can download our guide here to learn more.

What type of in-kind donations do you accept?

We accept clothing; including dresses, suits, jackets, skirts, pants, and blouses; accessories, including shoes, jewelry, scarves and purses; and toiletries and cosmetics. All clothing and accessories must be business professional and in new or like-new condition, and all toiletries and cosmetics must be unopened. See our donation guidelines for more details on accepted items.

Who is eligible to receive free services from Dress for Success Austin?

Probably you! We serve all women+* who are seeking jobs, better jobs or career advice with no income or referral requirements. Make your first appointment here.

What is the Success Starter Program?

The Success Starter Program is designed to help aspiring female entrepreneurs gain the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to start and grow their businesses. The program provides comprehensive training, mentorship, and support over a 12-week period. For more information, visit here.

*Dress for Success Austin serves anyone who identifies as a woman+, including trans women, nonbinary and gender nonconforming folx!

Hours & Location

Tuesdays & Thursdays
10am–4pm (in-person services)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & weekends
Closed (virtual services available)

Holiday Hours

Closed (December 18-January 1, 2024)

Contact Us

Media Inquiries
Volunteer Opportunities + Clothing Donation Questions
Career Services + Client Outreach
Monetary Donations, Sponsorship Opportunities + Corporate Partnerships
General Inquiries