Celebrate 20 years of Dress for Success Austin. Join SHINE today.
Dress for Success Austin has served women in Central Texas for over 20 years! Since the pandemic began in 2020, we have seen an overwhelming increase in women needing help. In 2023, we served 920 women and 3,606 units of service. In 2023, more women returned for assistance at a rate of 3.92 units of service* per client. We were thrilled to see the significant impact of our programs, by clients returning not just once, but nearly four times, to access our services.
We have created a monthly giving program to help cover the expenses of our six workforce development programs. Please consider a monthly gift to help us give more women access to a network of support and career advancement opportunities. Together, we can help women gain independence to provide for themselves and their families. Together, we can help her SHINE.
*Units of service = the total number of hour-long appointments held
Why is being a monthly donor important?
Join monthly donors like Colleen who want to support Austin women on a larger scale. As a monthly donor, you have the ability to empower women ALL YEAR LONG.
Double your impact! Many businesses match their employees' donations and volunteer time--all you have to do is ask how. Examples include Dell, Applied Materials, IBM, and more. Be sure to check with your employer about their matching policies, and help more Central Texas women SHINE!
For questions, contact Laurie Annear at laurie@dressforsuccessaustin.org.