This event will take place in person at the DFSA office in Central South Austin.
We invite all women veterans to sign up for our in-person Professional Clothing and Headshots event on October 26th at the DFSA office!
Registration now open!
9:00am - 2:00pm
We will take several photos of you to use for your LinkedIn profile or other professional platforms. Photos will be taken from the chest up and will be sent out via email.
hair + makeup:
We will have a hair stylist on-site for style touch ups. They can assist with minor things like curling, light straightening or styling. Washing/blow drying will not be available.
Please arrive with your foundation/concealer already applied. We will have makeup artists on-site to do the finishing touches. We will have some products for use; however, we recommend bringing our own cosmetics as well in case we don't have your preferred colors or products available.
professional styling:
We will put together these packages in advance, and you will have the option to try clothing on and make adjustments in person.
LinkedIn training
Learn tips from HR professionals on how to create or improve your LinkedIn profile
presentation + lunch
Najah Clay, veteran & Miss Austin, will share her inspiring story and give tips on how to find your voice, discover your style and be more confident.