Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Dress for Success Austin values women+. We serve and support women from diverse backgrounds, including women from many racial, ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds; women of all ages, religions, education levels, political affiliations, and physical and mental abilities; women that are experiencing homelessness, were formerly incarcerated, are non-English speakers and are members of the LGBTQIA+ community. We meet women where they are, and we want our clients to see themselves represented in every aspect of who we are - staffing, volunteers, board members and partner organizations.

We will continue to work to implement policies that show our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Here’s how:

 Our Goals:

  1. Recruit diverse team members for decision-making, leadership and client-facing roles.

  2. Educate staff, volunteers, board members, and community partners on DEI practices.

  3. Support and collaborate with like-minded community organizations and continue speaking up about our commitment to all marginalized communities we serve. 

  4. Seek out and provide resources for our marginalized clients. 

  5. Create a safe and inclusive environment within our office for all women+.

Recent Steps We’ve Taken:

  • Hosted DEI trainings for volunteers, staff and board members 

  • Director of Volunteer Engagement earned her DEIP certification

  • Increased team members of color by 23% since 2020 (includes board members)

  • Increased new volunteers of color by 10% since 2020

  • Created easily-accessible community resource sheets for marginalized communities

  • Allocated $20K in grant funding and partnered with local consignment stores to acquire more size- and gender-inclusive clothing

  • Added preferred pronouns to all staff email signatures, all volunteer name tags, and all client information forms

  • Updated volunteer training materials to include a DEI agreement and a section on addressing sensitive topics with clients

  • Partnered with The Links and Huston-Tillotson University to host a Path to Employment mentoring cohort for students and Links members

  • Allocated over $5K in grant funding to increasing boutique resources for Women of Color

  • Participated in “Untangled: A Discovery into Black Hair” training with former client and Black hair expert Lyric Wardlow

  • Partnering with UT Project Connect to audit client forms and surveys for inclusive language


Important Employee Rights and How to Use Them: The National Labor Relations Act


Exploring Barriers to the LGBTQ+ Community's Financial Stability and How to Overcome Them