Local Leader spotlight celebrating Women’s History Month with Dubravka Romano

Your Hour, Her Power is inspired by the belief that when women have access to education and job resources, their contributions strengthen communities. As part of our campaign, we are featuring a local women leader each week in March to celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. To kick off, we would like to introduce you to DFSA board member and Principal at Romano Strategy Advisors, Dubravka Romano!

Dubravka answered a Q&A below on how her career path came to be and her thoughts on women in the workforce:

How did you get to where you are today and what did that path look like for you?
I have had the good fortune of working with many extraordinary women leaders who took time and interest in helping me grow in my professional journey. I started my career working for the City of Austin HR Department. I worked for an amazing female leader there who taught me the importance of excelling at my work. She was also the one who connected me to the position that led to my career as Associate Executive Director for the Texas Association of School Boards, a role I held for 35 years. I was not remotely qualified for that position, but I had learned from my mentor that courage, confidence and competence were all I needed to succeed. That advice served me extraordinarily well throughout my career. I was also fortunate enough to work for an organization whose values mirrored my own. That alignment of my beliefs with my employer’s made it very easy to devote myself to the organization’s success. The most satisfying part of my career has been helping and mentoring others in the field, especially young women. I recently left TASB to start my own consulting practice where I have a new opportunity to help leaders and organizations become the best they can be. I love the chance to continue growing.

Why do you feel it’s important to have women in leadership roles?

We learn from those like us. So it is critically important for women just starting out on their professional journeys to see other women who have walked that path. Women can mentor other women in uniquely effective ways. Last year I served on a panel on women’s issues in the workplace and I was asked “Can women really have it all?” My response was “Yes, women can have it all, but we can’t have it all all the time.” That’s a lesson I learned from my women mentors and colleagues and have shared with others. We can learn from and support each other to create new generations of successful women leaders.

Why do you feel it's important for women to have access to the resources DFSA provides?

Women face many obstacles in their paths to employment. Having DFSA resources to help navigate those obstacles is enormously important. DFSA is the only place where women can get help with everything from resume writing and resume skills, to finding appropriate attire and help with child care. DFSA is a critical complement to women’s success in employment.


See milestones, spotlights and more in DFSA’s 2022 Impact Report


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